Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ice Storm 2007

It's a bit cold here. The ice shut down everything around town. There was no power at our place for about 12 hours yesterday. Here's a video of some of the houses in our neighborhood.

You can also see some panoramic views of some photographs that I took....


Elan said...

Great pictures and video! I think Jacob and Chris are ready for snowboarding. Come on out to Colorado!

The ice is beautiful even though it causes so many other problems like power outages. It's a unique fun day when you have to do old fashioned things like play cards and cook on a camp stove. You get to experience life as it was before electricity. It's fun for a few hours, but the novelty wears off when you're freezing inside your own house.

Florence and Gary Deeter said...

Great pictures. They are mirrored by pictures around our place. The morning that the ice was heaviest, I was walking with Duke about 5:00 a.m. and heard these eerie cracking sounds, then a long shattering crash as the icy limbs broke from the trees and fell. Our trees remained intact, but Craig's place is littered with broken limbs. We are grateful that we did not lose electric power.
